You can specify the Resources' 'Maximum Project Availability'. This field is accessifble from the Resource Panel within the Project. You can maximize the panel for a better view. The default is 100%
FollowHow can I change resource availability (% Units)
I want to change % available from 100% to 80% for a resource, throughout the entire project. How do i do this without going to every single task?
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Hi Boris,
I'm aware that I can set maximum availability, but it looks like that only applies to new tasks and does not update existing tasks.
Correct, that will have to be done manually at the Resource Panel Unit%
How do I adjust the 100% default for Maximum Project Availability for all Projects (not just within the project)?
There is a default project availability field if you go to a user's personal calendar in Clarizen.
So in order to adjust default availability for everyone in the system (100+ people), I need to go into each and every resources calendar to change their %availability?