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How Can I Create Restrictions to Apply to All Projects for a Customer

Morning all,

We have a customer that does not want to allow email's or discussions to be created from any of their projects.  Its a security issue.

I cant do this with profiles, as that will restrict our users on every project they work on with other customers.  It looks like i cant do it with the advanced permissions app, from the app marketplace.


Anyone have any ideas?



Martin Jubb Answered

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Hi Martin,

How are you setting up this customer? Do you have them created in a Customer "group" or do you have the users in a User Group? What you could do is to turn off each of the user's settings the user's "My Details > Project Notifications" and "Notify me" to "None". If you have a lot of users, you can streamline this by creating a workflow rule if you have a User Group with the customer's users and basically set these settings automatically once they join the group. 

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom,


The customer is not in a group.  The users are in a group and also a profile.


I cant change the user settings as that will affect them for all other projects.



Martin Jubb 0 votes
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The notifications are based on User not Per Project so it is none or all situation. There is no way to stop the notifications for Resources on a specific Project. This would be considered a Change Request which I would be happy to submit if you like. 

Also, note that any notification settings are not considered if you are sending notifications using Customizations such as workflow rules.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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