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Disabling add task on projects

I was wondering if there is a way to disable the ability to add tasks to a project.  I was thinking of maybe adding it too a custom field that can be toggled on and off so that tasks can not be added by unwanted users.  Has anyone done this before?


Thank You,


Keith Pelkey Answered

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This can be done in multiple ways. You can use Custom CSS that removes the button or even easier, you can utilize the New Profiles functionality that will allow you to remove buttons from the toolbar ribbon and similar. Here is a some information on Profiles...

User Manual link: 

Video Tutorial:

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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I did try this but the issue is that it will remove it permanently for all users (Or Managers). 

The reason for behind wanting to do this is so that we can display our templates as a project but we also want to make sure that other users can not add new tasks to this "template project".  My most recent idea was to see if I could add Custom CSS to make changes to a specific project but it looks as if it will change all projects (Work Plans).

Keith Pelkey 0 votes
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That is correct, Custom CSS is at the Organization level so will affect all Projects, it is not object specific. The only other way would be to lock it down using a Validation Rule (at work item level) that would not allow adding Tasks.

Note - Adding certain Related Items may still be possible.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Actually I am now having issues creating new projects.

For my Validation rules I had:

(CurrentUser() <> $Project.ProjectManager) && ($Project.C_LockProject)

If the C_LockProject Toggle was not on then edits could be made to the project by any user.  This however would then cause issues when creating completely new projects.  It would trigger the Validation Error.

I changed the formula too:

not(IsNew()) && (CurrentUser() <> $Project.ProjectManager) && ($Project.C_LockProject)

This does seem to work except it allows you to Add Tasks to the project.  It will stop you from doing other stuff such as changing Start Dates.

I was trying to find the Field/Variable for Add Task but I was unable to figure that out.  Is there a hidden variable for Add Task that is not in the formula tables?

Keith Pelkey 0 votes
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Are these new projects you are creating within the same project (i.e. sub-projects)? Or are they new, separate Projects that are triggering the Validation Rule when created? Why would it trigger when new projects are created? Do you have the toggle for $Project.C_LockProject as enabled by default? 

Also, the syntax on the original seems a bit off. According to what you have above, you are running the Validation Rule when the Current User is the Project Manager of the Project, which will be the case every time you create a new Project, unless you change the Project Manager to another user. I think it should be like this...

CurrentUser() <> $Project.ProjectManager && $Project.C_LockProject=TRUE

Just to clarify - You are basing the Validation Rule for Project Managers only not Resources? Why would you do this?

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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These are projects of "templates" that we are making so that other managers can go through and see what are in the pre made templates.  We want to lock them down from edits so that other users are not misguided by what they see in the "template project" and what the actual template is, if that makes sense.

I too was very confused as why creating a new project would trigger the validation rule when $Project.C_LockProject is setup to default value of unchecked.

not(isnull($project)) && (CurrentUser() <> $Project.ProjectManager) && ($Project.C_LockProject)

This seems to be a working solution to the problem.  So far in my testing it seems to be working.


$Project.C_LockProject=TRUE, do you think this is a better syntax?  Since a toggle should either be TRUE or FALSE I figured that it would be ok to just have the variable labled in the formula.


The reason for basing the Validation Rule for Project Managers is just so that if the Lock Project Toggle (Hidden Field) is checked then the project, or example of the template can not be edited.



Keith Pelkey 0 votes
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