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How do I keep non executable tasks from being reported on?

I thought I had prevented full users from being able to report (mark complete or percentage number) on non executable items, but in fact they are still able to.

For example, task 1 is a predecessor of task 2, but the user can mark task 2 complete with task 1 still being open.

What setting do I have to change?

Michelle Susan Answered

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I am moving this post to our Customization section as it would require a Validation Rule to not allow a user to change the state of a Task (that is not set as executable) to Marked as complete or changed at all if you wish. It would look something like this...

1 - Create a Validation Rule at the work item level (this will take affect for projects, milestones or tasks). This validation rule will not allow the change if the criteria is met. For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our Office Hours Webinars (see the link-> ).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers that can provide visual examples and answers to your questions. 

2 - Another option is you can remove the ability to set status as complete via Profiles if that is something worth trying. Here is more information on Profiles...

Video Tutorial:

User Manual:

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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I have a validation rule already created.  Am I unable to get help directly on the rule I already setup?  Do I need to attend the webinar to get assistance with this?

Michelle Susan 0 votes
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If you are having an issue with the rule, you can definitely discuss in the Office Hours - Advanced Configuration Webinars or open a case as this may require further investigation to why it is not working, providing access to your system and other information that you probably do not want to share on a public forum. In that situation, I would suggest opening a case.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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