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Does Clarizen backup data on a regular basis? If so, what is backed up and how often?

For each of our projects, we set-up the client as a Social user on Clarizen. Then we create a Social Group and add the client social user to that group.  We use the Group to assign tasks to the client and to log discussions with the client.


I understand that we are able to export a project and its tasks to Excel, however, I noticed that the discussions had within a specific task were not exported.

I also don't see any way we can export a Social Group discussion board. 

Hypothetically speaking, if Clarizen were to crash tomorrow and we didn't export the project beforehand:

  1. Will Clarizen have a backup of the Social Group discussion board and files that were uploaded to the system?
  2. Will Clarizen have a backup of the project and the details within (tasks, resources, due date, discussions)

If the answer is "yes" to either of the two questions above, how often does Clarizen backup the data?  For example, if Clarizen only saves a backup once a month, it's safe to say that I could be looking at data as old as 1 month.

Hannah Pascua Answered

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Hi Hannah,

You are correct that this data is not exported when you export from the Project. This only exports the Work Plan. As for your questions regarding backup...

We do backup the data. Here is a breakdown of how...

For all customers, we do daily backups that run at night (PST). The back is incremental but ultimately you could be looking at losing up to 1 day of data entry. The number of daily backups is very high and in fact goes up to one year but the older the backup the more risk. The process is complicated and needs to be restored to a staging environment. Then any subsequent updates/hotfixes need to be applied and stability/information needs to be confirmed.


It is easier to restore an entire customer instance rather than one object (i.e. Discussion or Project). Restoring specific objects entail further risk that can cause corruption, failed restores and odd behavior after restore.

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