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Multiple Profiles Per User

Hey guys,


I'm not sure if I just missed this or not, but can you assign a user to multiple profiles?  Or is the only way that you can see multiple profiles is if you are an admin/super user and have created these profiles? For example, I am the admin and super user for our account and created Education Team, Project Manager, and directors Profiles.  I can see all three by selecting the profile in the top drop down under my name in the top right corner.  However, is there a way for me to assign a user to the education team and project manager profiles so they can toggle between the two?






Virginia Hoskins Answered

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Hi Virginia,

You definitely can assign a user to multiple profiles. What you would need to do is go to Settings > Profiles and when you click on a profile, there will be a "Member" area that you can click on to assign users to that profile. Please refer to my screenshot.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hey Tom,


Thanks so much.  I got it!  I was trying to do it through the People module and going to the individual user and selecting multiple profiles for that user. 


Thanks for your help!


Virginia Hoskins 0 votes
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Is there a way to set up a user to multiple profiles using the REST API? We're trying to automate our user provisioning. I already have the users being created correctly and assigned to one profile. I'd like to update it to assign the user to multiple profiles. How would I accomplish that via the REST API? Thanks!

Alan Westley 0 votes
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Hi Alan, can you please ask on the developer forum--that is where API questions are addressed. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think Profiles are accessible via API.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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