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Where does a user adjust system notifications?

In the automated emails that Clairzen sends, appended to the message in a font so small and light that without zooming eyes like mine can't even read it :-), is the message below. 

We hope you find these notifications valuable, however, if you prefer not to receive alerts, highlights and progress report messages click here. If you would like to change or edit your preferences for this or other personal settings, please visit your personal profile page (i.e. My Profile) at

Since I could not read it I clicked on the link expecting to have it take me to the standard type of page where I could adjust the settings, instead of course I turned then off :-)!  Now I want to turn them on, but though it says I can adjust them under my profile area, I see no such settings.  All I see is:

  • "Notify on Every Post" which I assume has nothing to do with automated alerts.
  • Project notifications - this sounds like it might be what I am looking for but it is set to On, it seems it would be set to off if clicking on the link in the email did what it said it did.

I usually try to use the User Documentation before posing questions here, went through every page of the people section in the manual, none of them seem to detail the settings on the user profile more info section.

Thank You


Project_Manager Answered

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You are correct, Project notifications should be set to** ON** if you wish to receive _alerts, highlights and progress report messages ) _I'm not sure why unsubscribing from the email did not turn Project notifications off from your profile page. I just tested this funcationality on my side and when I unsubscribed from the email ( ), I received the following message ( Therafter, I went to my profile card and the Project notifications toggle was automatically set to off ( )

Can you please try one more time unsubscribing from the email and thereafter verify your Project notification setting? If you find this is still an issue, please open a case with our support and we will be happy to take a closer look for you.

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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Thank you Diane.  I clicked on the link in the email again just to test it, it takes me to the identical message as shown in your screenshot, but in my instance seems to have no actual affect on the project notifications command, which stays set to on.  I may open a case at some point but for now as long as we have this info, we'll know to just manually change it in the profile section.

However now my interest is piqued about something else?  My project notifications setting shows up under my profile in the section titled User Settings.  Your settings show up in a side panel?  Is that a custom side panel, I don't have anything remotely resembling that?

Finally, I've decided I want to turn off project notification emails.  I hope if I turn project notification off, that it only affects emails?  It does not also turn off the internal alerts within Clarizen, correct?

Thanks again.

Project_Manager 0 votes
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The 'side panel' shows up as a result of search. I find it very useful, when I'm trying to look up or update relevant fields :-)  See link: 

Regarding project notifications, you are correct, this should only affect emails. but not internal alerts. See more here about project notifications:$SubscribeToProjectNotifications and Managing Alerts:

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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