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System BCC's Not Being Sent

Settings>System Settings>Organizations, Users, Licenses>Outbound Email Notification Address is set to an email address for our company we created for Clarizen.  The description for this function is: "Allows you to set an email address that will be added to the BCC for all emails sent out of Clarizen"


  1. I assume that whenever I manually send an email from Clarizen, it should per the above, trigger that BBC email, correct?  That is what I wanted so that we would have a record of emails we send in Exchange.
  2. If the answer to number one is correct, why would it not be working?

In a nutshell, whenever a user sends an email from Clarizen I want it automatically BCC'd into our corporate email system so we have a record of it.


Project_Manager Answered

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Yes, you are correct. If you define the Outbound Email Notification Address to be added to the BCC field of all emails sent from Clarizen.​ This enables the  Trackit feature which helps trace all email communication. I just tested this on my side, but it works like a charm. Can you please check if these emails do not land in the spam folder? It that's not the case, next step would be to work with IT to verify if these emails are not being blocked by your firewall. 

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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