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Why are Found in Build & Closed in Build only allowed for Bugs?


We are trying to use these fields for reporting and grouping of cases but it is leading the team to always classify things as a bug because there is no access to these fields for issues or requests. Certainly the Closed in Build field is just as relevant to an issue or a request when managing cases and aligning them with product release that includes that issue/request.

Can these fields be added to other case types?


James Marston

James Marston Answered

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Hi James,

This can be easily achieved with a custom field built on superclass level - Cases entity. Once you re-create Closed in Build field on a cases entity, you will be able to access/update this field from all its subclasses: bugs, issues, requests and risks.

If you would like further assistance building such custom field, hop our our free Advanced Office Hours Webinars ( and we will be happy to walk you through this.

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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