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WBS Loader - Predecessors

Hi There,

I am using the Data Loader to perform a WBS Load.

Is it possible to define links (Predecessors - tasks for tasks) within the WBS load Excel worksheet so no StartDates are set for those child tasks?

I've tried creating a column in the Excel worksheet called Link:Predecessors, Link:Parent and Link:RealWorkItemHeirarchyLink and they were not recognised.

Finally, I tried "Parent", which I think may work but I suspect fails because the WorkItem I refer to isn't actually created when the first phase (Preload) is being checked.  The predecessor was the previous row in the Excel worksheet that was generating the error and I used the "Name" of the previous row's WorkItem under the "Parent" column.

I haven't tried yet but if I try to create all Work Items then later try to update the "Parent" using WBS load that will fail as the "Parent" column is not updatable (Field 'Parent' in the entity 'WorkItem' is not updatable).  Goal was to have just a single spreadsheet to maintain, rather than separate Project, Milestone, Task spreadsheets - or - separate WBS load + Predecessors link spreadsheets.

So, the questions ..

  1. Is it possible to specify the Predecessor in a WBS load spreadsheet?  (both during creation / updating)?

  2. If I were to set the Predecessors using an alternate upload, which one? Links > Parent?

  3. Is there documentation for each Data Loader - Item Type?

  4. If #1 is possible, is it possible to leave StartDate blank - and possible have the Predecessor set as a "Start to Start" with lag time?

Many thanks,











Michael Lambino Answered

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These are excellent questions. When you click on Data Loader and you specify what Item Type you want (i.e. Tasks) you can then click on Advanced and select Field List, either as columns or rows. This will download a spreadsheet that will show you a list of available fields for that item type that you can upload.

I do not see Predecessor and Successor as available fields on Work Items or Tasks for that matter but there is a specific Item type called Dependency (Dependency Link) that should enable you to do this. This does mean that it will take more than one load. The first will be to upload your work items (Projects, Milestones, Tasks). Once you have this configured, you can upload the dependencies. 

Note - Dependency Type refers to the Constraint type (Finish to Start or STart to start) and there is a field for Lag as well. see attached entity field spreadsheet.

Also, all Data Loader documentation is in the User Manual -

Did I answer all of your questions or do you have any further questions?

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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If you are on the new version of the Data Loader (V2.1.4) you can do this. See screen capture for example

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Thanks Boris - We're using data loader 2.1.6 and the solution you offered in your second reply works!  WOO HOO!

How in the world did you find that feature? ... I was checking the documentation that you linked to and it seems to be undocumented.

On the topic of the Data Loader documentation ( it offers a download of examples in a zip file (not sure if I should link to it here) .. Careful with the "20 WBS.xlsx" spreadsheet in the zip file - The first column "Entity Type" is listed with a space but needs to be "EntityType" without the space (on Data Loader 2.1.6, anyway).  I've submitted a comment under that page to correct it but thought to include the warning here as it might be a logical next step for the novice to follow after reading your replies.

Thanks again for both replies.  Your first reply was where I was leaning towards but much easier having it all in one spreadsheet.


Michael Lambino 0 votes
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Couple of other comments (to my original questions)

  • Make sure the column is called "Predecessors:" (With the colon)

  • You can leave the "StartDate" blank for the rows with Predecessors and Clarizen will calculate it based on the FTS/Duration of the linked items ... saves having to restore the start dates for those rows


Michael Lambino 0 votes
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Is this still available? I don't see the dependency link after downloading the Field List from the Task Item Type.

This would be super useful!




Peyton Harrod 0 votes
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Hi there, 

I'm in the same boat but, as Peyton Harrod said, this doesn't seem to be available anymore. I need to upload about 200 work items with all of their dependencies and there doesn't seem to be a quick way to do so. 

Amir Hamza 0 votes
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So the "Predecessors:" column kind of worked but it needs the row number of the actual predecessors. However, the problem then lies with the Data Loader, which returns this error: An error has occurred (ref: ) Error:Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key. 

And when I reload the project page, I can see that some of the predecessors were filled, but not all of them. 

Amir Hamza 0 votes
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