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reports for late tasks

I need to know how to pull a report of tasks that have been pushed out from the original date

sheri walter Answered

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Using the excel report tool you could pull a report that pulls all Task baseline due dates (or start or end date) and compare to Actual due dates (or start or end) I have not figured out a way to pre-filter out only one where Actual>Baseline dates in the excel tool but you could add filters like only non-completed tasks so the amount of data is minimized. Once in excel you can create another tab with Excel math to only show the ones with Actuals>Baseline

Date Variance Report for Actual Tasks of a Specific Project is a std report that may also work you could use as a template to build your own report that shows all projects and thus all slippage

Krh 0 votes
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As an alternative, you can use our new Reports module. You no longer need the Excel Add-In for many of the reports that are so useful for you and many of our other customers. The new Reports module is a robust Reporting tool that has out of the box reports and allows you to build custom reports on any data in Clarizen with Highlights, Graphs and Tables that will show you any data you desire.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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