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Creating Limited Profiles

Hi team,


With the profiles feature, I understand we can give users different access levels to various parts of Clarizen.  We have a group of users that need to be a on a very limited profile.  All these users need to see are the customers module and then one view of projects.  I went through and gave this profile access to only the projects and customers modules via the navigation panel.  Then I went in and made their default view one of the views that an admin user created and shared with the profile.  When users log in to the projects module, they see no projects in the default view.  Why is this the case?  There are projects in this view and the view does not have a filter set for "Role." 




Virginia Hoskins Answered

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Hi Virginia,

Due to security, could you open a ticket with us and provide us an access link? We would like to take a look at how the profile was set up and such. Also, please let us know which profile you are referring to.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the quick response! I have opened a ticket for us to explore this issue further.


I do have a question that may be good for the forum.  I see that we can adjust the modules that appear on the navigation panel for various profiles.  Is there a way to remove the "standard" menu options for the navigation panel for various profiles (like "New," "Custom Actions," "Favorites," "Recent," ETC.?




Virginia Hoskins 0 votes
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