Recalculate in bulk is not available. This would be a Change Request. would you like me to submit as a request?
We updated our calendar view to go from Sunday to Saturday instead of Monday to Sunday. Now all the projects need to be recalculated. Is there any way to recalculate all the projects at one time instead of each individual project?
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Recalculate in bulk is not available. This would be a Change Request. would you like me to submit as a request?
No it's okay. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something when I was looking around.
I have the same problem. i have just added the bank holidays in for next year and all projects need recalculating. I think this should either be automatic or allow you to do this across a number of projects. I have nearly 70 projects to go in, one at a time to recalculate, not a great use of my time!
This should be automatic but can take time as these requests are lower priority than others that are sent to the Servers for processing. Also, if there is any sort of backup of the queue. This will take longer. Can you say how long this has been in this mode where the exclamation won't go away?
In large accounts this could be tens and hundreds of projects that needs to be re-calculated. There is no way to manually push a bulk re-calculation, it will either be done by the offline jobs or one by one manually. Also, to save performance some the re-calculations awaits for the nightly scheduled calculation (so it seems as it takes long time, but actually it waits for either manual action or midnight).