Official comment

Thank you for submitting this feature request, for future reference the request ID is CR-318465.
Column hide/show settings don't stick when set. Every time I come in to edit a dashboard, all of the column settings are undone, and I have to go through every report on the dashboard and reset the hide/show columns settings, and then save and run the dashboard.
The only way dashboards are useful to my team is if they can show summary level information, especially given the size of the panels. Is there a hot-fix coming out for this problem soon?
Thank you for submitting this feature request, for future reference the request ID is CR-318465.
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Hi Rebecca,
This is actually a bug and we do have a bug opened for this. The tentative date for this fix is sometime in July. I have advocated support on users' side to have this released earlier but no updates just yet.
I have the same question. The dashboards keeps resetting the column width. I still don't see a solution to this bug.
I am experiencing this problem and found this question/answer while searching for a resolution. Are there any updates on the status of fixing this problem?
We need this feature too. Is there a feature request for this already out there?
I received the following reply yesterday:
Anat Segal (Clarizen Online Project Management Software Help)
Jan 18, 05:31
Hi Sean,
This has been accepted as a bug and added to a future hotfix. Currently there is not ETA for this fix.
We will put this case in On Hold status at this time and once the fix release date has been updated or is deployed to production, we will provide you with an update.
Thank you.
All the best,
Anat Segal
Clarizen Customer Success
Be sure to vote up the original question. I've learned that's how Clarizen prioritizes what they work on. Issues/requests with the most votes get priority.
This needs a fix asap. I have four teams totaling 20 people that have their own dashboard as their 'home page (custom panel) and for them to have to reorganize 4-6 panels worth of columns every day is not an example of work optimization.
Please add me to the list of customers who need this issue's priority increased.
We use the Dashboard as a presentation tool to our various IT Steering Committees that have VPs and Directors as members and the column widths are a big dissatisfier.
Are we able to see anything related to that ID? I can't find it anywhere. Could you please reply to this post with a timeframe for the fix? I can't even roll dashboards out to my group without this basic thing fixed. You rolled them almost a year ago - what a massive disappointment. You guys don't seem to be able to get the basics covered and are spending so much time rolling new features, which also probably won't work right.
Has this been fixed yet? This is has become a real issue with the reporting capabilities. We're finding it extremely frustrating having to re-adjust the columns EVERY SINGLE TIME we run reports.
Hi Deborah, this is a feature request and I currently have no ETA on when this feature will be implemented.
I just got an update. This should be in the Sunday (July 3rd) release!