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Importing Tasks From Excel

Is there a way to import tasks from an Excel sheet into a project. I have people who have made project tasks in Excel and I don't want to have to copy and paste. Unfortunately the suggestion of bringing the tasks into MS Project and then importing won't work for us, we don't have Project. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Jeremy S Answered

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I uploaded my excel doc into the data loader and it gave me the following error:

Warning(s) User '(my email address)' is not set as a Super User and may cause permission issues
Warning(s) User '(my email address)' is not set as a Financial User and may not have permission to update financial data
Rows status

77/77 rows passed validation - Completed with errors!

Chais Lazarescu 0 votes
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It sounds like there are some permissions conflicts. If you do not have financial permissions then it will prevent you from uploading, editing, or even viewing financial fields. 

We also have an import from Excel feature that is currently in beta but will become a standard feature on April 2nd. However, if these warning show up in the data loader they will also show up in the Excel import.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks Josh. What will the import from Excel feature provide?

Chais Lazarescu 0 votes
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