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Reports and Revenue Balance

The Revenue Balance field in Clarizen is a negative number and but we would like to show it as positive in reports. I was trying to use a report calculated field and tried ABS but it would not allow it since it apparently does not work with currency.   I am not seeing how to do this either with a system wide calculated customer field either. Any suggestions?

Krh Answered

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I am wondering which exact Revenue fields you are looking at. Technically, you can create a Custom Field that is based on a formula. Within the formula, you would calculate the fields as required to get the value you are looking for. This will allow you to then report on this custom field to show the data in Reports as desired.

For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our Reports and Dashboards Training or Office Hours - Advanced Configuration Webinars (see the link-> ).These are free training sessions hosted by Clarizen Experts and offered weekly.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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As mentioned I am looking at the Revenue Balance field which is a standard currency field and this is always a negative number which I would like to make a positive with using another calculated field. But I am not seeing what functions would allow this with a currency value

Krh 0 votes
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As mentioned I am looking at the Revenue Balance field which is a standard currency field and this is always a negative number which I would like to make a positive with using another calculated field. But I am not seeing what functions would allow this with a currency value

Krh 0 votes
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I see... I think I over thought this. This can be as simple as creating a Custom Field with the following settings...

Field Type = Currency

Formula = Checked/This Object

Set Formula = $RevenueBalance*(-1)

...dividing a negative value by -1 will give you the same value as a positive. Let me know if this requires further logic to meet your needs.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Well that's embarrassing, the formula could not be any more obvious. Thanks

Krh 0 votes
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