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Can an email user see a file uploaded to a discussion?

I have some clients who I need to share documents with, but they have to be email users because I can't afford to purchase licenses for all of them. I'm including these clients in various discussions, but when I post a comment with files attached (for the purposes of sharing those files with my clients) and they click on the file in the email they receive, they are prompted to login. Is there a way to allow file sharing with email-only users?

Tian McPherson Answered

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Hi Michele,

What you can do is upload the files to Box or Google Docs via Clarizen. Then, you can invite the users through Box or Google Docs account. It is the same step as adding related files in Clarizen. However, we do have a new license that is coming out early next year that will allow users that are email only to view files. It is called the Collaboration License which will be available soon. Please let me know if you need some help on how to upload files to Google Docs or Box via Clarizen.

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