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How may I obtain a 30-day trial for a new staff person?

Our company is using all of its licenses, and we need to add a 30-day trial for another staff person before we determine if we need an additional license.

Molly Nordale Answered

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Hi Molly,

You can go to the "People" module in the navigation and then send an invite to a new user. They will automatically have a 14-day trial license. After the expiration period, you could then request for an extension. Let me know if this helps!

Tom Do 0 votes
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What if this person is already an identified resource within our use of Clarizen, without a license to use the software?

Molly Nordale 0 votes
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Hi Molly,

Sorry I apologized. I thought your account was a Trial Account and not a production account. Since your account is a production account and not a trial account, we cannot provide trial extensions or trials for that matter. You would actually need to purchase a license for that user.

Tom Do 0 votes
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This seems to be a significant disincentive for us to expand our user base and license purchase with Clarizen.  Perhaps someone should reconsider this.  Meanwhile, I will contact our account representative.

Molly Nordale 0 votes
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Hi Molly,  

Since the person was already in your account from before, you can add him into the account again as a new user. This will assign him a new login ID.  Keep in mind if he had any tasks or work, (which he doesn't) with the alternate user name, he would not see that information.  This isn't the case and based on our call you should be good to go.   

Lori McFarland 0 votes
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