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Is it possible to make custom fields searchable?

The field is of type integer for the project table.

I want it to be searchable via the search box on the project views that have the custom field added.

Is this possible?


Jonathan Barr Answered

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Hi Jonathan,

When you make a custom field on the Project level, it should be searchable. I am assuming you are talking about the Project View > Filter Search box. Please see attached. All you need to do is click on the Icon next to search and click "Manage". There you could find the field you are looking for and you will then be able to filter it by that field. You can also search by the data within the field.

Also, if you are talking about the Project Property search box (the search box on each project), the field should be searchable by default.

However, to be on the same page, could you provide me a screenshot of which search box you are referring to?

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom, thanks for the quick feedback. I expected the search (see attachment) to pick up the data in the custom field "IT1".

Ctrl-F works fine but I'm worried if the number of projects increases there will be multiple pages so Ctrl-F won't work well.

Jonathan Barr 0 votes
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Hi Jonathan,

Ok. That makes sense. The reason why you are not able to find those results is because you have some filters on. You can clear the filters for this test. If you click on the green icon next to the search and then click "manage", a screen will pop up. Find the custom field "IT1" and put it on the right side. Then, click on the green icon again and scroll down and you will see the field "IT1". There you will be able to filter the results based on this field.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom, thanks for the reply. I have been able to search as you have suggested, but from the point of view of the users of Clarizen it would make more sense for them to be able to search the field using (see attachment) A, instead of B. Is this possible?


I can put this IT1 number in the title if this is the only searchable field by the search box in A but would prefer to keep them separate.

Jonathan Barr 0 votes
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Hi Jonathan,

I believe that the search bar is searching for project names only and it does not search through the fields. I believe that is why we have the filtering in place so we can search per field. 

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi I changed the data type of the field to a character so it now doesn't display a range, just a search box. I'll let the users know they cannot use the project search box for this.

Thanks for you help!

Jonathan Barr 0 votes
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Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the update! I am sure that if used correctly, the filters would totally serve the use case you are addressing. Thanks again!

Tom Do 0 votes
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