Hello Stacy,
To be able to create new customers or new reports, you will need to be a Full licensed user.
Admin of your organization will be able to assign you a new license.
Here are great articles that you might find helpful:
User types and roles: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/#1-4-about-user-types-roles
License types: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/#1-5-1-license-types-explained
Editions and Licensing: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/#1-5-editions-and-licensing
Adding new customers: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/#10-2-adding-new-customers.
Creating new reports: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/#13-1-report-overview
For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our daily Q&A webinars (see the link-> http://www.clarizen.com/live-demo-europe.html).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers and visual answers to your questions. One of our experts will be able to explain it in detail in a much faster manner.
Thank you,