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Agile Development apps

Will functionality required for agile development always be in separate apps, or does Clarizen have plans to fully integrate them into the main tool?

I see the following apps that seem to apply to agile development: scrum board, scrum release backlog, and team board.  The tutorials for the team board, for example, shows using the app in conjunction with v5. Are these apps supported for v6? Does Clarizen have plans to update them for v6 so that they have the same look and feel of v6?

Seeleyr Answered

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All of these Apps are supported in V6 even though some of the relevant images and videos are reflecting v5. We are still updating everything. If you see these, please bring them to our attention. 

As for adding them to the main tool, I do not see this occurring. Clarizen is not a tool soley for Agile Development groups. The tool is valuable in many other other areas such as Project Management, IT Teams, Professional Services, Marketing and more. Because Agile Development is only a part of the functionality the functionality is part of the Apps Marketplace which allows you to add it into the system if used.




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