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Admins not receiving posts from All Company Discussion

The other admin and I are not receiving e-mail notifications of posts to the all company group.  We are set to receive notificaitons on all posts.  thanks.

Karen Lewis Answered

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Hi Karen,

Apologies for the delay - after upgrading to our new Success Site, we've found some unanswered posts. We are answering them now and will be answering all open questions that are less than a year old.

If this is still an issue, please open up a support case - the issue could be with email whitelisting with your internal IT, or user setup. We would like to have a closer look to be certain.

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Hi Karen,

I apologize for the super late delay as we are cleaning up our posts. If you do not see email notifications in your inbox, please check spam and ask your local IT/Network team if there is a firewall that is blocking Clarizen emails. Also, your local IT might have blacklist us.

Tom Do 0 votes
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