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How can you set the work of a project that has no children


For a particular requirement Im working on we have lots of single line projects. These work items need to be projects as they all need to have the customer uniquely set. 

They are all reportable and appear in timesheets. 

We have no requirement to add any other work items below the projects. The issue we are having is that it doees not seem to be possible to set the work field on these single line projects.

Is this a limitation of the product? Is there a system setting we can change?

Any help appreciated, thanks! 

Douglas Guthrie Answered

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Hi Douglas,

This behavior is by design, Work column is locked at the project level, as this is a value that rolls up from subitems. We can suggest adding at least one task for each project, that way you will be able to update Work field from the leaf item.

For further clarification, please join our Intermediate Q&A webinars (see the link-> ).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers and visual answers to your questions. One of our experts will be able to explain it in detail as well as discuss your use case and suggest best practice advice accordingly.

All the best,





Diana Sandura 0 votes
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