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time off requests work flow

can we set up a work flow whereas a resource / employee would request time off and send to multiple people in the organization. Once approved by the final person it gets populated on a TIME OFF/VACATION calendar for all to view and the system is intuitive enough to know that X employee is OFF on Vacation and cannot be scheduled for work during those days???


andrea doven Answered

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Hi Andrea,

Have a look at our application _PTO Management _>> that should meet your requirements.

If you would like to add additional functionality to this app, this would require customization/custom development and is out of scope via this support channel.

Let me suggest the following options:

  • We will be happy to build it for you. For that we would need to understand the requirement better to provide with a professional services quote for this. The best approach is to contact your account executive to request a quote from our professional services team for this.

  • Alternatively, you can also join our free interactive Advanced Q&A sessions ( These are great resources for customization consulting with our experts and visual answers to your questions. One of our Customer Success Manager will be able to demo some examples for you and give you guidelines how to build it yourself.

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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dear Diana- I am interested in this PTO management app and will figure out the time to do the advanced Q&A. my questions are simple. is there anyone I can talk to for 2 min to answer my questions on whether the system can/cannot do what we need it to do?

1) need more than 1 approval for requests

2) once approved would the time off be auto populated to a master vacation calendar?

andrea doven 0 votes
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This can be done but would require further customization of the PTO Management Application that you would download from the Apps Marketplace. Currently, it is only built with one approval required. If you want a second, it can be done but you would need to work with your Customer Success Manager or Professional Services for any adjustments required. Once approved the User level Calendar of the User that requested PTO would be updated. 

Your Account Manager is Katie Mavromatis. If you wish to reach out to her for further assistance on the PTO Management Application you can reach out to her via email at



Customer Success


Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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