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Is there a way to Share cases similar to sharing the project roadmap?

We are using cases to log issues associated with a project.  Is there a way to Share the list of cases (issues) the same way you can share the Roadmap - so that a URL is generated and another person is able to click the link to get the latest status of the cases?  I know there is an ability to Export the case list which I can then email as an attachment, but I would like to be able to provide a view that has the realtime status of the list of cases.

Farhan Virji Answered

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Hi Farhan,

There is a way to do this. What you would need to do is go to the Cases module. Then, click on the View name next to cases and there should be a drop down menu. Click "Share" and you have several options. Please refer to my screenshots. I believe that emailing the link would be the best way and then grabbing the link from the email and send it to other people is the best way. Let me know if this helps.

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