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How do I hide or remove tasks that are complete?

Under Tasks and/or Timesheet I see a bunch of items that are complete (completed months ago) and there doesn't seem to be anyway to get rid of them or hide them.  Is there something our administrator is NOT doing to actually close/finalize these items?  Is there anything I can do to hide them from my lists?

Brian Walker Answered

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This seems like a combination of work items / timesheets that still have not been approved/closed or the Tasks are still active OR, you are showing the time frame of the old, closed work items. In any case, you can filter these out by going into your filter settings and selecting Manage. There you will find a number of fields that you can filter by including State (if not already part of the filter). Make certain that you only select Active so that Completed work items do not show.



Boris - Clarizen Success

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