There is no templates for Expenses but Copy is definitely possible. Use the Copy/Paste functions on the Toolbar Ribbon from Expenses view.
Clarizen Success
I have some users who have recurring expenses that are identical month to month. Is there a way that they could create a template or copy an old expense sheet and duplicate it so they do not need to create from scratch each month?
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There is no templates for Expenses but Copy is definitely possible. Use the Copy/Paste functions on the Toolbar Ribbon from Expenses view.
Clarizen Success
When I tried that, I got an error that said "The command cannot be used on rows"
You are correct, my apologies. The copy/paste only works on Cells, not entire rows in this case. We do not have this function out of the box but we do have a Picklist called Expense Category that you can basically modify and add your own Categories. This still requires you to create the Expense Sheets/Expenses manually. Any template creation of Expenses would be considered a Feature Request. Let me know if you would like me to submit this.
Boris Krutiy - Customer Success
Hi Ashley
I too have numerous recurring monthly expenses and an Expense Template would be extremely helpful. What is the process for this to be considered as a Feature Request. Regards. Paul Stohrer.
A feature request has been logged: CR-260858