Official comment

This was submitted as a feature request, for future reference the request ID is CR-13758.
We're currently creating requests (which are later converted to projects at execution) to build out our project pipeline. These requests are assigned to placeholder users named according to role (i.e. Project Manager, Business Analyst, etc). Is there a way to have the requests shown on the placeholder users' resource load view so that we can see allocations for planning purposes? I haven't found a way to do this. The reason we aren't creating as projects out of the gate is that we don't want to commit to a specific template that early in the process.
This was submitted as a feature request, for future reference the request ID is CR-13758.
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Unfortunately, we do not show Requests on Resource Load as this is based on Work Items within Task/Project Management and the Requests are within the Case Management part of the product. Though within the same system, they are segregated in some ways where they do not fully communicate.
Resource Load only reflects Remaining Effort and Load (Pipeline or Forecast) OR Planned Work (Currently allocated work). Your request would have to be handled as a Feature Request. Let me know if you want me to proceed with a request.
Boris Krutiy - Customer Success
Thanks Boris, I'm not familiar with feature requests just yet. How would that work?
Simply add an Idea, similar to the way you opened this forum post only click on the "Submit an Idea" link at and add your Use Case, description, screen captures or any other data that best describes the request and what your needs are.
Boris Krutiy - Customer Success
Curious if this was ever submitted, if not, I would be HAPPY to submit a Use Case for this. thanks!
Hi Boris,
Was this case submitted?