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Multiple managers for projects?


One problem we are grappling is after a project is created by a manager, we need other resources to create/ads tasks, add milestoens etc. We assumed that if the resource had an admin level privilege would be able to perform above tasks for any project but apparently not? Is there an easy way to allow more than one person (manager) to edit tasks, milestones etc. in a project?

Thanks much.


Shashank Mohan Answered

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Hi Shashank,

Thank you for your question.The Project Manager ( is only one per project. You can, however, have multiple work items Managers in your work-plan  ( that are responsible for certain chunks of the project. 

At the moment, you can assign only one Manager per work item, but we have a feature request on our Product Roadmap that will enable ability to assign multiple managers per work item. Please let me know if you would like me to add you as a customer requiring this feature, so that we can keep you updated on the progress. Here is ID of that feature request for your reference: CR-13158.

As for Admin privilege, Administrator is responsible for system environment settings, while Super User has “super” rights in the project management area ( Full licensed users with Super User permissions will be able to perform all project related activities regardless of a role in the project.

All the best,



Diana Sandura 0 votes
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