
This can be done quite easily using Custom Pages. First, Custom Pages work just like any other customization. You need Admin permission to access Settings --> Configure and create a new Custom Page at the Organizational level (item type). Then configure it accordingly. If you want the page to point to a view, this is very easy. You will see that the Content within the Custoom Page configuration allows you to specify HTML code or a URL. Select URL and paste the URL to the desired View here.
In order to locate/create the URL, go to the module you wish to work with (i.e. Cases, Requests, Projects, etc) and create your desired View. In your case it would be "Lessons Learned Register". Once created as desired, click on the View drop down and select Share and then the Link Tab. This will show you the URL of this View. Copy this URL and paste into the Content section of the Custom Page configuration. Save, Enable Custom Page and Verify.
For further information on Custom Pages take a look at the following section in the User Manual...