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Creating a report to see planned work over a timeframe


I need help creating a report that pulls in planned work (the work from the work plan) based on a time frequency.  For example, I would love to see a list of projects down the X axis, a list of months down the Y axis, and then the number of planned work hours for each project as it spans over time based on the work plan.  What is the best way to do this?  I was trying with my Excel Add-on but was unsuccessful.  I think when you go to the resource load within a project and change the units to hours under the planned work view (and change the timeframe to "by month") is great, but I need to see this for all projects and need to be able to export it into Excel. 




Virginia Hoskins Answered

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You can show this data in a Report by choosing the information but it will show it as a spreadsheet (not graph). Currently this is not available within the Reports Module but we have a new version currently being worked on that will have more capabilities and will include Dashboards as well that will allow you to easily choose the data and how you want it presented. We do not have a firm date for this release but it is expected in Q1 2015, maybe February.

Currently, the way to show this in a Graph format is to create a View in the Task Module and use Chart instead of Grid. Select the type of Chart you want and add the fields you wish to use for X and Y axis. This should give you what you want.




Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Boris,


So it sounds like I cannot use the report functionality to achieve my goal at this time.


I understand what you mean by going in the task module and selecting graph and then selecting the X and Y axis.  However, I don't understand what fields to select.  What are the best fields to select when I want to capture the work on a monthly basis for multiple projects? 




Virginia Hoskins 0 votes
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My apologies for misleading you. You cannot accomplish your needs using a Chart View either based on your desire to show Projects by Months and the number of Planned Work. 

Though this capability is coming, the only way to successfully do this now is to use the Excel Add-In to pull this data from Clarizen and then use Excel functionality to build a chart/graph. 




Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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