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CA: Customer/contact link

I tried in the customizations forum but no-one replied. It seems pretty vacant, so maybe no-one reads it so I am trying here:


I want to make it possible for several people to add floating contacts to their relevant customers.


I have created a CA that gives the user a pop-up where they can select the customer (Reference to Object: Customer) but I cannot figure out how to actually select the customer in Actions, since there seems to be a Parent link between contacts and their customers, - however, I cannot find a Customer Contact link under Links. What do I need to do?

Peter Fjelsten Answered

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Hi Peter,

Great question! Let me try to figure this out and I will also let our customization experts know regarding this forum post in our customization forum. I apologize that there has been a delay in reply since our team have been traveling a lot and a lot of events have been taking place recently. But we will get back to you as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience!

Tom Do 0 votes
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(The reason I want a custom action for this is that there seems to be pretty strict permissions in place for doing this via the standard UI. So this CA is just a work-around of changing parent on a contact person)

Peter Fjelsten 0 votes
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Hi Peter!

One of our engineers have replied back to you on the customization forum regarding this matter. Please refer to that thread for this question. Thanks!

Tom Do 0 votes
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