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Making a Standard Field Only updated by financial Users

Hi team,


Is there anyway to make a standard field only be updated by financial users?  I have gone into our settings, but under the standard fields, I am unable to check this box.




Virginia Hoskins Answered

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Hi Virginia,

Standard Fields are not editable, as such, if they were not designed to only be updated by Finance it won't help.

Two workaround I can offer:

  1. Create a Custom Field which is updateable only by Financial which gets the value from that Field and hide the Standard Field

  2. Hide the Standard Field and create a special View for the Financial User

In general, please touch-base with your CSM (Alex Gorman I believe), so he can tell you about Profiles which are coming soon, which I believe will help you realise this setting with no needed workarounds.



Yossi Truzman 0 votes
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