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Email User Time Reporting

I'm having a hard time figuring out how best to have email users report their actual hours.

For all licensed users (other than email only), we prefer to have the "actual effort updated from timesheets" option checked, so that we don't have to enter this information twice. But with that option checked I've found that email users (who can't enter timesheets) are unable to report their hours.

Is there any way to make it so timesheets still populate to the actual hours for normal users, and email users can still report their time as well? If not, do you have any other work-arounds to recommend? 

Christopher Grant Answered

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After investigation, unfortunately you can have a mixed setup on a Task where you have both Resources that update their time using Timesheet AND Email Only users updating time via Progress Update Report. It can only be one way or the other. A suggestion would be to leave the Task as is for the Resources using Timesheets and create a secondary Task for the Email Only users. Make those Tasks 'Update Actual Effort from Timesheet' = FALSE/DISABLED and the Progress Update Reports can be used for the Email Only users.




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