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Timesheet "My Team"

When under the Timesheet tab in the Navigation panel, we have an option to show "My Team" (see attached).  What determines "My Team?" Is it your direct reports?  That is how we thought the application would work, but we are having individuals appear under my team that are not direct reports.  I have confirmed direct reports within the user profiles.  Is there somewhere else I need to be looking to adjust the direct reports to ensure the correct individuals are populated under "My Team"?

Virginia Hoskins Answered

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Hi Virginia,

You are correct. My team includes only your direct reports. However, at the far bottom left corner of the team panel you will see a gear icon. Click on that you will will be able to choose to show "sub teams" (direct reports of direct reports) or not. Please refer to my screenshot.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hey Tom,


When one of my users uses this sub team option, it does not change her listing of people under "My Team."  With the subteam option on or off sh sees the following:


1) her direct reports

2) her direct supervisor

3) her direct supervisor's OTHER direct reports (people "on her level" if you were looking at a company organizational chart)

4) she does NOT see the direct reports of her direct reports (which makes sense because they don't have any). 


should she be seeing #2 and #3?






Virginia Hoskins 0 votes
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Hi Virginia,

Yes. The user should be seeing her direct supervisor since the direct supervisor and the user is on the same team. Also, the supervisor's other direct reports would also be consider on the same team because they are all reporting to one person. However, to avoid confusion, I recommend creating user groups and use that as separate views. This would better separate who is who if there is more than one "team" reporting to one person.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom,

What setting(s) determine how teams are grouped? I see many managers, some I don't even work with or in the same department, listed under "My Team." Another user asked me about this and he sees other users that are neither his direct reports or anybody he directly reports to as well as in a different department. How is "My Team" determined? I see a user can switch to different groups at the top, but the settings at the bottom left (Team Members) doesn't seem relevant to this use case. Please let me know. Thanks!

Matt Bures 1 vote
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So based on this ancient discussion, it sounds like the proper answer to this question is "No" the "My Team" section does not only show your Direct Reports. It shows anyone in the "Same Team" as you (user group with user group level = Team). This includes yourself, and may include any or all of the following:

  • your direct reports
  • your supervisor
  • your supervisor's direct reports

And the Clarizen recommendation is to NOT use this "My Team" view, but it is suggested to change the "Team" selected on the left to the actual team you want to view. 

Daniel Rubin 0 votes
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