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What is an email collaborator?

I reinstated a user and she was sent the email from Clarizen and it said:


You have been added to Clarizen as an email collaborator.

What is an email collaborator?

Also, she tried using the "Forgot Password" option but an email with the password was never sent.

Please advise.

Thank you,

Abby McGrady

Pharmacy OneSource


Abby Mcgrady Answered

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Hi Abby,

That means that the user can only use their email to update anything in Clarizen. The reason why she didn't any email sent to her because she does not have a login name just yet. The Admin would need to invite her to the environment first before she can log in. At the moment, she is only in the system but no login name due to being an email only user.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Thank you. How do I invite her without adding her as another person? For example, if I select her in the "People" list and select "Invite User," it asks me to enter her email address. When I do that, it adds her to the "People" list again. She was a user, left the company, and is now back so my goal was to reactivate her previous Clarizen account.

Abby Mcgrady 0 votes
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Hey Abby,

Please refer to my screenshot. You can go to the People module and then highlight the user and go to "Admin". There should be a button that says "Send Invitation". 

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom,

I did the steps you suggested and the user is not receiving the invitation email. I then selected "Reset Password" for this user and still no email. Any thoughts?

Abby Mcgrady 0 votes
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Hi Abby,

Could you have the user check the spam folder? It could have gone to the spam folder. Also, it could be a local network issue where it does not allow our emails to go to the inbox.

Tom Do 0 votes
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