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"Your License Has Expired"?

I created a trial account on 12-27-2014, so it's only been just over a week.  All of a sudden one of the test users I created is unable to log in, it says "your license has expired; please contact your administrator to renew your license".  I have changed the users type a few times as I've been experimenting with permissions, but that's it, currently the User Type is defined as a Team Member.  I also tried suspending the user and well as enabling them again.


When I look at "View Existing Licenses" I see only myself listed.  When I look at the User in People view, it does show that they are Active.

Any idea why this happened and any suggestions for fixing it?

I can just create another test user if I need to, I'm more interested in why this is happening as I intend to start to invite real users.


Project_Manager Answered

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The reason why it says your license has expired is because once you invite a user with a specific user type, you cannot change it on your trial. If you want to experience different permissions/licenses on your trial account, you would need to invite another user with a different user type. You can do this when you are first inviting a user and go to advanced options. Trial licenses are static and they are not the same as purchased licenses where you can change them dynamically between users.

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tom, not a biggie, but that is weird because I changed the license type several times previously and it kept working?  I think I had it set at various points to Full, None or Team.

Project_Manager 0 votes
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I know you can switch from Full to None and vice versa and it should be ok. But I believe when changing to Full to Team Member or None to Team, it gets a little weird. Also, since you said you changed it several times and it kept working, it could be a long shot but it could be a cache issue where it remembers the latest update of the license. We experience this issue with having multiple browser users. This happens when you set up different users on the same browsers each with different user logins. 

Tom Do 0 votes
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