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What is currently the best way to give some users admin rights over reported hours over a subset of other users

Instead of instituting a workflow, as that just tends to end up with bottlenecks.  Rather, some way the limited admin can see and change the hours of the people they are working with.

I imagine there is a report to do this.  There is also reference to Profiles in a similar question posted, but I don't see where that is located.

Any best practices for this?

Bryan Newman Answered

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This can be done by making a user a Direct Manager, not an Admin. An Admin is provided full access to creating/modifying users and groups as well as Global and System settings (including customizations). I do not believe this is what you want. Instead, make the user a Direct Manager on a Project or simply specify certain users to have Reports To = Bryan (for example). That will allow you to see their information (*Tasks included). Then, you can enable the following system setting...

Time Tracking --> 11.9 Direct managers can approve timesheets. This will allow a non-admin user (i.e. Bryan) to approve/change hours reported by users that report to him. 




Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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From Bryan:

We need to let 2-3 people have this access on a few projects. Can you have multiple direct managers or multiple “Report-to”?

Reply: At the moment, we do not support the ability to have multiple direct managers.

Tom Do 0 votes
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