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Privacy Settings

My permissions setting is set to basic as I generally want all information loaded in Clarizen as public.  I do have a few projects that i want to limit to select group of users due to ITAR restrictions.  We originally went down a path of enhanced permissions and added every user in the company as a reviewer to every project but these select few.  That option is just not sustainable and it clutters 99% of our projects.  Is there a way to define what projects are "locked down" from public view while leaving all other projects open?

Tori Meek Not planned

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Hi Tori,

At the moment, this is not possible if all users have full licenses. You would want to use Team Member licenses to restrict visibility of projects to attain some sort of privacy like you requested. But this would need a feature request. Would you like me to open one for you?

Tom Do 0 votes
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Hi Tori,

I apologize I forgot to update you. The feature request number is CR-244164.

Tom Do 0 votes
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