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Is there a way to share a task list?

I am an administrator/project manager, and would like to share my task list (daily, weekly) with others in the team & organization to show everyone what is due across our projects.  Is there an ability to do something like this?  I didn't see any share option within the tasks module.  Thanks!

Jon Rykwalder Answered

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If you are referring to a simple read-only view of the Tasks, you have two options...

1 - You can create a Task level report that shows the columns you wish. Then you can either export the Report to an Excel spreadsheet or you can even use a Scheduled Workflow rule that will email the report to the users. 

2 - You can Share the View in the Task Module. Setup up your view as you want it to be seen with the desired columns and filters in place. Then click on the View name and select Share... Share as read-only. 

One of these options should provide you the solution you require.




Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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