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Can I set the state of items in a template?

This would override the parent item that the templates item is being added to. Often the items are marked as active automatically. This disrupts our reporting by presenting inaccurate data from seeming active tasks. As is stands we are asking our team members to mark the template item in draft upon creation, but it would be nice to have that automated without the use of a work flow rule if possible. Is this a function I have over looked?

Kristan Answered

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Hi Kristan,

When creating a new template, it should reflect a project's work plan. If the project's workplan have items that are in "Draft" mode and then you save the workplan as a template, creating new projects from that template should have "Draft" state for the items. If the template was created from a project's workplan with active state, it will be active. So in other words, you would need to have the project workplan as draft first and then save the template so it will reflect. Hope this helps.

Tom Do 0 votes
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