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User Notifications for Canceled Projects?

I recently had to cancel a project unexpectedly. I assumed Clarizen would have sent out a notification to resources working on the canceled project telling them it had been canceled, but it did not. Does Clarizen have this capability? If so, how do I set it up to do this in the future? Thank you!

Nwasco Answered

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Usually Clarizen sends out daily project notifications (go to user and search for "Project Notifications"). It will give an overview of all the projects that the user belongs to. However, if you want to send out individual emails for each project that gets canceled at the moment, then you would need to set up a workflow rule. Let me know if this helps. 

Tom Do 0 votes
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Yes, this is definitely possible in Clarizen with a simple workflow configuration.

As an administrator, go to Settings>Configuration>Select Projects>Create 'Workflow'.

For further assistance with creating this workflow, please attend our Advanced Configuration Office Hours for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers. You can register here -

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