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How can a milestone be green when its associated tasks are red?

I am looking at a project initiated in 2014 that is showing an amber/yellow status. Upon investigation, I notice that all of the milestones are green while the underlying tasks are red. 

Something is not connected or the project manager has learned to "game the system". Can you force a milestone to have a specific status without regarding for associated tasks?

Ideas? Comments? Let me know.

Kelly Martin Answered

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I do not believe this can be done manually or 'game the system'. I may need you to open a case and provide us access to troubleshoot because based on the dates in your attachments, all work items, including Milestone should be red. We would need to investigate further to find the issue. We would need...

  • Project and Task Name or ID

  • Grant Access for up to 7 days

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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