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Home page Grid View- customization updating

"The home page grid concentrates an overlook- for the PMO the overlook is of all projects in the organization. I need to prioritize"

So you are looking for a customizable columns on the homepage so that you can add fields like Priority ?

Clarizen Team Answered

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You can also double click any of the projects on the home page and add in priority there, would that work?

Clarizen Team 0 votes
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Regarding priortizing by adding a organization custom field - would I be able to use the new field in order to sort or select all prioritized tasks in a report?, I assume this feild will be displayable only in a customized view.

regarding the double click any of the projects on the home page and add in priority there,- I was not able to do this- I am able to update the project priority by the right mouse button - selecting properties and within the properties to update the priority.

How can all projects be sorted by priority ?

How can the priority of the projects be displayed on the HOME Page?

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There isn't a way to display priority on the home page, the best way to do it would be in work items. I have put in a feature request for you though! As for the double click, I mean this as a way to quickly access properties (instead of right clicking). You can double click any icon to open up its properties.

Clarizen Team 0 votes
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My home screen only shows a single icon, the parent directory. I would like this home page to show an icon for each of the projects for which I am Project Manager. Despite having the drop down boxes at Projects in the Works and I am the Project Manager it still only shows a single icon for the parent directory.

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You always see the top most project on your dashboard. If you want to see the sub projects there, you need to breakdown the master-sub project structure and that way you will see each project as stand alone.

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