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Allow users to set resource load threshold alerts

Right now, PMs see resources as red if they are scheduled for more than their daily limit of hours. However, often we work on a weekly basis, so it's not a problem if someone shows 16 hours on a single day, but 0 hours the next, since it will balance out.

Seeing all the red is scary for PMs, who can't undertake diagnostics for 20-30 people to see whether they really are overloaded or not.

It would be great to be able to set it to show red if 'hours > 40 h/week' or 'hours > 10 h/day' or 'hours > 160 h/month' or whatever we decide is appropriate for our department or organization.

Lexy Relph Answered

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By adjusting a resources capacity/Unit(%) the threshold at which they become 'overloaded' is also adjusted (up/down). Capacity for a resource can be set on the User Profile under calendar>schedule settings; at the task level in the resource info card to the right of the Work Plan in the Current Project view or in the Work Items module also to the right. Please join us for one of our open forum Q&A sessions to see a demo of this functionality.


Patrick B. Smith 0 votes
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I assume you are talking about the 'Default Member's Availability for New Project' field, please clarify. Ideally, there would be a separate field to measure overallocation because the field I mentioned could be 20% but that is a resource's overall allocation could be 100%.

Sharon Astle 0 votes
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