Thanks for your feedback Adunn.
I will forward this to the product team.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success
It would be immensely helpful to allow grouping in reports. For example, I'd like a report that just gives me a count of projects in each portfolio. Right now, I have to export the report I get (a list of projects by portfolio) and do a pivot table in Excel. It would be nice to skip that step.
Options to count, sum, or average grouped fields would be very helpful.
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Thanks for your feedback Adunn.
I will forward this to the product team.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success
I don't still see grouping & totals in reports. Am I missing a step or it's still not there in Clarizen?
You can currently do this using the Excel Plugin from Apps Marketplace. As for the Reports module, our Product team is working hard to update the Reports Module. It is due to be released by the end of the year and you will have a lot more options and flexibility with Report creation than currently available.