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Greater control over who can see fields on Property Card

Currently, when editing the field layout of a property card, there is the option to restrict access to all users or financial users. It would be much better if we had more control, so that we could limits some field sections to only admin users, or users in specific groups.

It would also be nice to have the option to give read only access to certain sections. We find that people get in a muck with properties that they need to see, but shouldn't change.


adunn Completed

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This is definitely in the roadmap (you are preaching to the Customer Success choir on this one).  We do have plans for more granular permissions for fields, objects, etc., but I can tell you they won't be available yet in 2013.  If other people have this same request, please post on this thread and "like" the topic so we can continue to escalate the priority.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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I'd especially like to restrict external users more (them being able to see Work, Actual Work, Remaining Effort I could definitely do without - we work mainly fixed price)

Peter Fjelsten 0 votes
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Makes perfect sense.  You could hide fields by using custom fields requiring financial permissions, but ideally you would be able to set exactly who can view each field.  

Josh Santos 0 votes
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This would be a great enhancement for my organization as well, given the disparate usage/workflows across the various groups.

Jason Beamer 0 votes
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Was this the enchancements in the Profile update? Profiles are good, but i would still want to build my own permissions within the a particular profile without building loads of different profiles just because a few fields are missing for some users.

For example we have an Approver profile (for Requests). There are some fields concerning budgets etc we would only want Managers of the Approver Profile to see (and some non-management staff have Financial privs), where as non-management of thew Approver profile dont need access to those budget fields. I would love to restrict access without having two specfic Profiles (Approver Managers, Approvers).

Gareth Bradley 0 votes
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This was released as "Profiles". Just so that I understand, you want the ability to have a Profile within a Profile (secondary set of permissions) so that you can accomplish Approver Managers/Approvers and all you want to differentiate between the two is that Approver Managers are able to see financial fields and Approvers cannot, correct?

This can techically be done now by creating two Profiles... Approver Managers and another for Approvers and add the users accordingly. Then, there is a system setting '8.1 Aggregate field sets - If true/ON, users associated with multiple profiles will have access to all allowable fields regardless of what profile they currently using. Using this feature and adding the Approver Managers to both Profiles, while adding Approvers to only the "Approvers" Profile, would give you the scenario you are looking for. It may not be configurable all within the same Profile but is easily and quickly done by creating one Profile and then clicking on the drop down arrow to the right of the Profile Name and select Save As to Clone the Profile, then make the needed changes and save. This will save you time and effort.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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