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Work Item's Grandparent as a field

I'm looking to run a report on work items (tasks + milestones) which are executable and belong to a certain portfolio of projects (ie: they have the same grandparent project). 

I expected to be able to do this when I added the Parent Project column. If you think about it, a task belongs to a Project (let's call it Project B). Project B is a sub-project of Project A. Wouldn't you expect the task's project = Project B and task's Parent Project = Project A? However, when I'm in the Work Items module, the fields for Project, Parent, and Parent Project all return the same thing (Project B).

laura.bannett Answered

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Hi Laura. You would need a custom field that would track the grandparent project and then you would be able to filter on this field. I would recommend talking to your CSM or hopping on an Advanced Q&A (

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks Josh. It just seems like something that should be out of the box.

laura.bannett 0 votes
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The entire reporting system is being redesigned, so I this may become an out of the box feature in the future.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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