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Freeze pains in 'Project Details' for project name and status

We submitted this idea in a Q&A session that Rob was going to submit on the behalf of many of the members but thought we might enter again. The idea is similar to that of 'Freeze Panes' in Excel but this functionality would allow you to lock columns on the left and scroll to the right to fill in information on a particular milestone or task. The idea being you could still make sure you were entering information on the right milestone or task. Currently if you have a view with all of the information you need to enter and there are a lot of columns ... there is no way to endure you are on the proper task and milestone when you scroll over past a few columns.

Alissa Brown Answered

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Hi Alissa, I saw this feature request come into our internal system (and voted for it).  I agree that this would be a nice feature to have.  Are you expanding your panels to maximize the screen real estate?  You may also want to consider splitting your views with lots of columns into multiple views, as well as using word wrap and column width re-sizing to better format the page.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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First I have to say, it was late on Friday when I entered this and although it is a "pain" I am glad you knew I was talking about "panes." Thank you for the tips. As the champion for our team I am trying to shift people to the "Work Plan View." I will discuss with the team whether we want to shift back to multiple views. 

Alissa Brown 0 votes
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