If you click on the filter button, you can click manage and select just about any field to filter by. Adding a filter for <Resource>.PendingTime can show you what has been submitted but not approved.
I'm happy that there are timesheet filter options but none of them relate (at least as far as I can tell) to the data on the timesheet that I need. I would like to be able to filter by submitted time so it only shows time that has been submitted that needs approval. Most of the resources have 50 tasks that they can log time towards (we have 12 internal buckets alone) on various projects. So it is a pain to have to scroll up and down a huge list for only my portion (we have dual approvers) of approval time which may be relatively small but across various tasks in .25 increments. I'd like to be able to just filter by time logged on the timesheet, unsubmitted, submitted, and approved. that would give me enough options to look at all the various tasks with time on them. Also, I would like to be able to see how much of the 40 hour work week is left to approve for each week instead of going back out to make sure I didn't miss something. e.g. 2 hours unsubmitted 4 hours submitted 34 hours approved 40 hours logged. That is a simple display that can be placed in all the header real estate that is unused. Thanks
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If you click on the filter button, you can click manage and select just about any field to filter by. Adding a filter for <Resource>.PendingTime can show you what has been submitted but not approved.
This is indeed possible but since you cannot save a view for approving time this is very time consuming to have to set up each time you go into a resource's timesheet.
I also submitted a case for this some time ago (3687)